Standard BNQ 9700-040
Spas — Customer Service
In Québec and many other places around the world, the absence of legislation or an official classification for establishments commonly known as “spas” is creating confusion. As a result, many establishments that present themselves as spas are somewhat dubious, while others offer a level of high-quality service that deserves promoting. In order to address these industry concerns and, on a broader level, the concerns of the health and wellbeing tourism industry, the BNQ developed BNQ 9700-040.
- This standard specifies requirements for spas in terms of:
- The quality and reliability of the services delivered;
- The features of equipment and premises;
- The clarity of communications and the terms used.
In this way, BNQ 9700-040 ensures that consumers receive excellent quality services and products. It applies to all types of spas regardless of how luxurious the services or the premises may be. The clientele of these establishments can include tourists, excursionists and local customers. The standard provides spas with a reliable reference they can use to help them provide the best quality services possible.
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langue = en
12699 ANG BNQ 9700-040 Spas - Customer Service 12665 FRN BNQ 9700-040 Spas - Prestation des services à la clientèle
Standard development committee members
Number of committee members : 6
Maurice Couture GPS Tourisme inc. Marylin Désy Agences réceptives et forfaitistes du Québec (ARF) Suzanne Lalonde Client mystère AQS Julie Marchand MTO - Direction des interventions en tourisme - Tourisme de mieux-être et de santé Bernard Meloche Ovarium Patrick Rake Nordic Station & SkySpa -
Customer service
Bureau de normalisation du Québec
Tel.: 418-652-2238 / 1-800-386-5114, ext. 2437This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.